The students in Room 13 have been very busy learning through a variety of activities. They have learnt their sounds and letters through participating in InitiaLit activities and have started to write their own words and sentences on whiteboards as well as in their books.
Baking is another activity that everyone enjoys, especially eating the tasty snacks we make. During maths sessions the children have been learning to count by playing games and using concrete object to explore numbers. Recently the students brought in a bag of 100 things to compare on our 100th day at school.
Our role-play corners have been a hit this year with one of our themes being space. The students enjoyed painting our rocket during our beautiful sunny summer days.
Our Bunnings theme corner has been very popular with the students, and they have been improving their fine motor skills through participating in building and construction activities.
It was great fun having the third-year medical students from UWA visit our school for the Teddy Bear Hospital Incursion.
Mrs Bentall/Mrs Parrella